

The sixpack has arrived!

We have got 2 males and 4 femalel




Today we visited the vet. The ultrasonic scan has shown that we are pregnant. Yela, that is. We expect the litter around the middle of October.

Yela eagerly collects all the best food for herself and her babies. We must be careful now that she doesn't gain too much weight.

In any case we are looking forward to the new puppies.


2009-09-11 to 14

Recreational weekend in Switzerland



Yelas weight is at the moment 5,3 kg ...and we still have more than four weeks.



Everything is just as always. Yela is so greedy that it gets on your nerves. Today she has comitted theft - again: together with Almo and Vinha they pitched into a dogs-sausage. Yela looks like being in the 10th week... Now I have to cut her food back a bit, otherwise we may be expecting baby giants...

The sausage of desire. Only 350g of 1kg left.


After the feast: Still standing... ... but don't want to.



Yela is now at 5.5kg, still acceptable. But everything is getting difficult for her. At walkies, she prefers hunting mice to coming with us. And she has to sit down more often. Food is still VERY important. This morning she ate banana raw and pure. She never did that. Tomorrow we're having fish, for intelligent babies.



HOORAY! First contact with the little aliens in her belly :-)

Besides, Yela has decided to take the provisioning of her babies in her own hand, er... mouth. In a pinch she makes do with plums.

Still two weeks and a half to go. Seriously.



We're at week #7 today. Yela weighs 5.9kgs BEFORE feeding ... and yet you can feel her ribs. So she has not become fat but more pregnant :-) She is quite uneasy and it takes some time until she can relax and lie still. And then one can feel the babies move. Not always, but they are there!



This is how it looks when Yela decides that she is not fed well enough.



We have made some x-ray images. Newsflash after the birth :-)



So, today we start the countdown. One week to go. Usually Yela has not used up all 63 days of her pregnancy, so we expect the expecting lady to deliver at the weekend. The vet is informed, just to be sure...

Yela weighs currently 6.6kgs. No comment...

It is nearly impossible to go for a walk. One hour max, and that only very, very slowly. She is fed 4 or 5 times a day because she can't take much food at once.

At night, Yela sleeps in the bed -- snoring!

Tomorrow we'll start taking her temperature. Better safe than sorry...

A few pictures without any additional text:






They are here! Four bustling girls and two bustling boys! The birth took two hours and a half because Yela needed one hour rest after the first three, but everything went just fine without any problems. Everybody is relieved, pleased and proud.

By the way: Yela's weight has dropped from 6.8kgs to 5.2kgs.



Here are some pictures. Click to enlarge.


Baby 1 Girl Baby 2 Girl Baby 3 Boy
Baby 4 Boy Baby 5 Girl Baby 6 Girl




Yela is doing very well as mother. This night she was uneasy and had to go outside several times. I thought that she was warm. This morning she refused her food. Bad. Really bad with that number of babies to feed. Only the Calopet High Energy paste worked for her. In the afternoon the enigma was solved. Yela wants to be with her babies even when she eats. So all you have to do is to put the bowl in the litter box. Well, I could have thought of that earlier. Another problem solved.

The babies are very well-behaved. Sometimes they are all huddled together and sleeping when I come to look. And Yela is very anxious that no one is missing. If you dare to take one she starts to while and would rather take the baby out of your hand.

Checking the weights every evening.




I have made a spreadsheet of the development of the babies' weight. Looks very good. Maybe banks should invest in 'dengos instead of other banks.

The table is here. I will update it as often as possible.




Our one-week-old gallery (click for a larger view):


Girl #1
Girl #2
Boy #3
Boy #4
Girl #5
Girl #6


Well, the first week is through. Everything is still going well. Yela is no longer looking so deformed and she eats as often as possible. We have also recovered somewhat from the pre-natal tension.

Some babies are already showing characteristic traits: Girl #2 is always complaining when you pick her up. Boy #3 is always hungry. He had not yet had his umbilical cord cut when he was at the teat for the first time. Girl #6 is alway very calm and content when you hold her in your palm. Boy #4 likes it when his tummy is tickled. Babies #1 and #5 have not yet shown any peculiar habits but we're sure that will come sooner or later. :-)


As Yela is currently consuming 900g wet food per day we have podered if we should issue an appeal for food...


It takes longer to weigh 6 babies in the evening than it did for 2. Especially if every baby must be cuddled  and thoroughly examined afterwards. No wonder that Sabine often falls asleep on the sofa.



When I came home today, Yela ran excitedly towards me. First I thought she had to go outside. Wrong, she had moved the step she used as entry to her litter-box so that she could not get in. O.K., I put everything in its place. The babies shoved to get to the milk-bar. Two fawn boys and three dark girls. Waitaminute... three?! Where is number four? And: who is missing? Girl #2, who else? I started to search: Was she hiding under the others? In a corner? Possibly under the covers? I couldn't find her. Had Yela carried her away??? Where??? But then she would have whined, so she had to be in the litter box. So: picked up Yela and parted the covers very carefully. Thank goodness: there she was, sleeping quietly. She hadn't even noticed.


By now, I take Yela again to the walks. Exercise is good for her. She has signalled in the last days that only babies it too boring. ;-)



#6 has opened her eyes. In the evening then #1, too.