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Page history last edited by stefan.hennig@... 15 years, 3 months ago


A few news: First of all, the babies are becoming more active by the minute. The result is that they don't gain as much weigtht as before. This is normal and only to be expected. I wonder when they start to try momma's food.

Three of them have their eyes open. I add a few pictures.



  Baby #1  
Baby #2   Baby #3
  Baby #4  
Baby #5   Baby #6



Well, I have wondered when the first one would dive into Yelas food. Now I don't have to wonder anymore.



O.K., now everybodies eyes are open. This evening the last puppy has learned that there is something tasty in this bowl-thingy. In the afternoon they have been roaming around for the fist time. I think that they will be ready for the big outside when they are four weeks old, latest. I am looking forward to this and hope that it won't be too cold.

I still don't know how to solve the travelling-salesdog-problem. How do you carry six agile dogs?



Yela is very jealous with her babies. She doesn't allow any of the other dogs to come near them. Not even the cat. Almo manages from time to time to scurry into the bedroom. Then he hides under the bed. Of course, he's also interested in the food, but he also checks his babies and licks them clean. Today one of the girls has wagged her tail at him and has tried to bite his muzzle. Cute.

And they have learnd how to , erm, relieve themselves without momma's support.

So much for peace and quiet in the next weeks.

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